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These PROJECT PROFILES have been approved by our list of advisors and technology experts as potentially viable and marketable. Angels must make their own determination as to the legal and financial justifications before investing in any of listed projects. Member ANGELS can review ENTREPRENEUR PROFILES AND SUMMARY BUSINESS PLANS upon request.

If an Angel is interested in a project, an ANGEL PROFILE is then sent to the Entrepreneur with a request for a COMPLETE BUSINESS PLAN. The ENTREPRENEUR always makes the final decision to share OR NOT TO SHARE the details of his project to an interested Angel. COMPLETE BUSINESS PLANS are sent directly ONLY by the ENTREPRENEUR

#001 The Santa Cruz SOLTRAIN project
THE SOLTRAIN is a 30 passenger ultra-light weight solar-electric rail vehicle is being developed in Santa Cruz. The project has shared funding by the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportaion Commission, The City of Capitola and private sponsors. Additional Angels are welcome.
#002. The art ecoVillage
The Santa Cruz art ecoVillage is a 300 unit mixed-use resisidential/commercial sustainable community with solsr energy, rooftop gardens, edible landscaping, water collection, performing arts and media centers, bike and electric van pools and many other forms of urban sustainable living methods. High density ecoVillage communities are being planned around railway stations. Angel partners are welcome to explore several mixed-use ecoVillage communities being planned in these times of tight housing markets.
#003. The Internet NightClub
A 20 computer work-station "cyberCafe" type Internet NightClub is being developed in Downtown Santa Cruz. Good food, entertainment and access to table top computers provide web surfing, on-line conferences, business and email systems, education, works etc.
#004. Super Smart card
Super Smart Card - the size of a credit card can now store all your licenses and important documents, with compression, your medical records and xrays and can safely and quickly store e-money ot Trade Dollars and allow super safe electronic commerce with strong encryption and authentication methods.
Project #005 is:
Project #006 is
Project #007 is: